UCLA Police Chief John Thomas departed employ today facing significant scrutiny regarding his handling in May of an Islamo-Marxist, anti-Israel encampment protest on campus. The liberal university administrators had turned down his advice not to permit the encampment because it violated campus rules against overnight camping and could lead to potential violence. The administration decided to allow it as an expression of students' First Amendment rights, instructing that police should not be included in any security plan.
When the Islamo-Marxists, who had gotten away with pushing around Jewish faculty and students, finally encountered push-back from area Jewish students - it blew back in the administrators' faces and they scapegoated Chief Thomas.
Were the protesters merely anti-Israel or were they anti-Jewish? Zionism, i.e., residing in the land of Israel to practice Judaism, is a principle of Judaism. If the administrators allowed Muslims’ protest which criticized a tenet of Judaism to not be Islamophobic… how about the administrators offending the Jews by NOT challenging the Muslims’ innate anti-Jewish motives - which similarly are a part of Islam?
A first-year memorial vigil was held a few weeks ago at the site of the Islamic Society of Simi Valley, California's anti-Israel protest in Thousand Oaks. In November '23 Jewish counter-demonstrator, Paul Kessler, 69, was struck by Jordanian-American, Loay Alnaji, and died.
Mr. Paul Kessler (pictured left) a Jewish-Californian demonstrated support for Israel against a hostile, MidEast Muslim immigrant protest in Nov. '23. It's alleged that enraged fundamentalist Jordanian immigrant, Mr. Loay Alnaji (pictured right) bashed his megaphone into Kessler's face, knocking him down and killing him. Ventura County D.A. chose not to charge religious bigotry in Alnaji's motive, which limited sentencing to four-years maximum. (Photo credit: @NewsVCNews) |
Palestinian Muslim-born, Ayman Abu Subohh converted to Judaism, adopting the name Dor Shachar. At the vigil, he explains the religious indoctrination religious Muslims are taught, particularly in Jordan, Palestinian Territories, Egypt, Pakistan, and Iran: To subordinate and persecute - non-Muslims anywhere, particularly in a previously Muslim-ruled territory, such as Spain or Israel, which they are mandated to reconquer for Allah.
Through an English interpreter, Mr. Shachar explains why he feels that religious bias / bigotry was a motivating factor in Alnaji's battering Mr. Kessler - which would qualify for a penal enhancement in the battery and involuntary manslaughter crimes - which for deterrent purposes, Ventura County District Attorneys ought to consider.
This video shows the vitriol of members of the Islamic Society of Simi Valley, California towards Jewish-people and Israel at a demonstration in Thousand Oaks on November 5, 2023. Mr. Mamdouh Elalami crassly shouts anti-Zionist slurs at Jews through his megaphone, even as Paul Kessler, who had just had his face smashed open by Loay Alnaji, lay just meters away - with open wounds on a stretcher in an ambulance.
(Video courtesy: @NewsVCNews)
Veteran reporter, Hal Eisner of Fox11-KTTV News, covered a November '23 rally seeking justice for the late Mr. Paul Kessler, whom it is alleged that Mr. Loay Alnaji battered with a megaphone. Mr. Kessler's colleague Jonathan Oswaks, who is shown in this story, claims that Mr. Alnaji specifically went after Mr. Kessler because he was holding an Israeli flag. Hal Eisner points out that people he interviewed believe that the motive of Alnaji's attack qualifies for "bias-motive" (California law term for what's commonly considered "hate-crime" charge enhancement) for Kessler's association with Israeli nationality (and possibly Jewish faith). Ventura County D.A. Erik Nasarenko's office has not added bias-motive to the charges. Yet anti-Jewish bigotry is a recognized part of Islamic culture, particularly in fundamentalism and certainly in the Middle East and Pakistan.
Lebanese-descended scholar of Islam, Robert Spencer of JihadWatch.com says that the supremacist and annihilationist dogma against non-Muslims is ubiquitous in Islam. Western liberals' 'political correctness' has inhibited criticism of Islam's theology, cultural bigotries, and its imperialism against non-Muslims. Search-engines minimize- and social-media censors commentary on the topic. This taboo-ing inhibits police, investigations, and prosecutors from addressing and confronting the theology in motives for uncivil and criminal conduct.
In the case of the November '23 attack by Jordanian-Muslim Loay Alnaji which killed native Jewish-Californian, Paul Kessler, the Ventura County District Attorney Erik Nasarenko may chosen to avoid the prosecution challenging Islam on theo-cultural bias (based on religion or association with Israel) to enhance the battery and involuntary manslaughter charges for a longer, more deterrent penalty.
In this part 2 of the interview, Muslim-raised, Ayman Abu Suboh explores the intricate dynamics of interfaith relations particularly between Muslims, Jews, and Christians. He reflects on personal encounters that reveal trust issues influenced by extremist beliefs, while discussing how financial support from Qatar to Hamas exacerbates anti-Jewish sentiment. He shares his journey from Islam to Judaism, motivated by a divine calling to foster understanding and coexistence between communities, taking the name Dor Shachar- Dawn Generation.
He recounts experiences in Israel that highlight common humanity, expressing a desire for peaceful coexistence despite historical tensions. Additionally, he raises concerns about insufficient responses from American institutions to anti-Israel sentiments and he urges vigilance among American Jews to ensure their safety and well-being. The narrative underscores a pressing need for open dialogue and community collaboration to address misunderstandings and hostility.
In cities such as New York and Los Angeles, where the police no longer submit to District Attorneys cases lesser than felonies, police charging without the bias-enhancement (whether based on race, nationality, or association with nationality, such as Americans supportive of Israel) leaves cases of assault or battery as misdemeanors - and don't even receive full investigative resources - and the perpetrators know they can get away with injurious crimes - which poses no deterrent to future attackers and injured victims. The maximum penalty for Loay Alnaji if convicted as charged (without the bias enhancement) in the death of Paul Kessler is only four-years of jail-time (if even sentenced to the maximum).
Given these logistical limitations, shouldn't police and prosecutors stop avoiding the indoctrinated bigotry Islam inculcates against non-Muslims (e.g., Hindus, Kurds, Copts, Christians, Jews) which has wreaked the Middle East and now, with immigration into the West, also incites bigotry expressed during inciteful protests?