This month in 2005, Israel uprooted all Jewish towns from Gaza for Palestinians to evince peace. 18-years later the Islamist Palestinians attacked and claim all of Zion. How Netanyahu responded to Democrats' calls to establish another Palestinian state

Gazan Jew recalls life in and after Israel's 2005 disengagement from Gaza gauging Palestinian reality of touted peace.

First-hand Israeli perspective from Mr. Yedidiya Harush on Muslims driving out Jews from legal communities in Gush Katif on the Gaza Strip (such as Atzmona) resettled to "safer" new desert community Halutza, where the Jewish National Fund contributes to their habitat. Recorded 2014 at Stephen Wise Temple in Los Angeles.

Michal Uziyahu Michal is currently the volunteer Liaison for the Mayor of Eshkol Regional Council assisting with partnerships & collaborations for the rehabilitation of Eshkol following the massacre of the Black Sabbath on Oct 7th. Eshkol is a county consisting of 32 communities along the border triangle of Israel, sharing a 40km border with Gaza and a further 20km Egypt. Michal, formerly of Gush Katif, addresses J.N.F. Los Angeles 

Israel unanimously votes to reject all calls for brokered Palestinian state: ‘Huge reward to terrorism’ - by Ronny Reyes New York Post, 18 Feb '24 

Israel’s government unanimously voted Sunday to reject any attempts by foreign powers to create a Palestinian state once the war against Hamas ends, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said. Netanyahu introduced a measure after a cabinet meeting Sunday morning that said Israel “outright rejects” calls for a two-state solution being pushed by the US and other members of the United Nations. The Israeli government swiftly adopted the proposal.
“Israel outright rejects international dictates regarding the permanent settlement with the Palestinians,” the Jewish state said in the declaration. “Such an arrangement will be reached only through direct negotiations between the parties, without preconditions. Israel will continue to oppose the unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state.
“Such a recognition, following the massacre of Oct. 7, will give a huge reward to terrorism, a reward like no other, and will prevent any future peace settlement,” it adds. The declaration echoes Netanyahu’s remarks last week where he described a two-state solution as a “prize” for Hamas during a meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who has been pushing the Biden administration’s proposal for international recognition of a Palestinian state. 


Biden has repeatedly called for the war in Gaza to conclude with a reformed Palestinian Authority taking the reins and having Palestine officially recognized as its own sovereign state. “Such a recognition, following the massacre of Oct. 7, will give a huge reward to terrorism, a reward like no other, and will prevent any future peace settlement,” it adds.


The declaration echoes Netanyahu’s remarks last week where he described a two-state solution as a “prize” for Hamas during a meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who has been pushing the Biden administration’s proposal for international recognition of a Palestinian state. Biden has repeatedly called for the war in Gaza to conclude with a reformed Palestinian Authority taking the reins and having Palestine officially recognized as its own sovereign state.


In addition to the US pushing for a two-state solution, America’s allies in the Middle East have demanded it, also. Saudi Arabian leaders have called it a necessity for their country to begin normalizing its ties with Israel and helping the US suppress Iran-backed extremists in the region. But Netanyahu has said Israel would not allow such an outcome and has said that no foreign power should dictate what happens in Gaza after the war ends, insisting the Jewish state should be the sole nation leading the demilitarization of the Palestinian enclave. A two-state solution has remained elusive between Israelis and Palestinians for decades, with each proposal rejected since the Jewish state’s formation in 1947. Before the current war, discussions for the West Bank and Gaza to form a state alongside Israel were stalled since 2014. 

Israeli-American Mrs. Mirie Ezer at Free Israeli & American Hostages Rally 10/22/23 in Encino, Los Angeles. 

Here is a good indication of a line someone uses that shows they are not a serious news reporter: “Israel has killed over 10,000 innocent people” This line requires that you: 1) Believe the Hamas-run Gaza health ministry numbers; 2) Pretend Hamas terrorists are innocent people (Israel estimates they have killed 3-4K combatants, but no one knows the real numbers); 3) Pretend that the 600+ rockets that have fallen in Gaza, evidence of Hamas bombings in Gaza, and evidence of Hamas shootings in Gaza are Israel’s fault. No one knows how many Palestinian civilians these have killed; 4) Also ignore the extent to which Hamas hides behind civilians and has built their terror infrastructure to ensure civilians are killed when they are.

Hamas hijacks ambulances for terrorists & weapons; how does Israel's emergency service work? Compare the difference in ethics of the ambulance services between Israel and Palestinian Gaza. Hamas provokes casualties, hijacks ambulances to frame ethical Israel. Recorded prior to Gaza incursion of July '14.