French professor of law, Guy Milliere: The Left are the new totalitarians, destroying the free America.
Why does Guy Milliere, a French professor of law history, self-exiled to the US, seek to avoid returning to France? In this interview, he interprets the Leftist movement throughout Western countries opposing the US, implementing Marxism, and eliminating liberties
from societies.
Transcript of interview filmed in late April, 2022:
DemoCast: "It is now Holocaust Remembrance Day, and it is celebrated in Israel. There is a Holocaust Remembrance Day internationally at the end of January, but it seems to be commemorated only for the genocide which took place and doesn't seem to be commemorated for the learning experience of how a society becomes brainwashed to turn against its fellow members. If there's one group that's scapegoated - and the government comes up with a policy that they want to divide the population, what's the political science behind this concept?
Prof. Milliere:
I could say that democracies are very fragile, and I could say that they are fragile because of what the Left is. And I could say that if you try to study very carefully what National Socialism is, for example, you see that National Socialism is a movement that belongs to the Left. The same with Fascism. And I could say that by itself, the Left is totalitarian. And in order to understand the Left, I think that you have to understand what Karl Popper wrote when he wrote The Open Society and Its Enemies.
Popper was a famous philosopher of the 20th century, and one of his most famous books is The Open Society and Its Enemies. And he explains that for a long time, for centuries religious clerks had a full power on societies. They could say what the truth is, and it was an absolute truth. It was a truth coming from their definition of God. And they started to lose this power slowly, and the society changed. People started to think by themselves and people start, started to be more free. And so they lost their power and they started to hate a society where freedom could exist and where their definition of truth could be criticized. And the result was that they became enemies of freedom, enemies of the society that was starting to exist, and from capitalism, market economy, democracy, the idea of the rule of law. And it created a totalitarianism slowly, it was not called totalitarianism, but it was totalitarianism.
And you had many movements in Europe, but the first time this kind of totalitarians became successful was the French Revolution. During the French Revolution, in the beginning you had people who said they support freedom, they support the rule of law, but slowly these people were vanishing. And the people who took the power in 1792 were totalitarians, and they had their definition truth, and they wanted to impose this definition of truth. And French society and the people who disagreed were called enemies of the people, <affirmative> or enemies of the state, and they were killed. You had mass murders. The first mass murders of the modern times happened in the west of France in Vande, and you had hundreds of thousand people who were killed. They even try to invent gas chambers. And I could say that from that moment, the left was totally Italian. The left is based on hatred for open societies for all aspects of western civilization capitalist mechanism, market economy freedom free speech democracy, the roll of flower. And from that moment, they try to destroy all that and to impose their view of society and for a time for why they tried to create different societies.
And that's what Lenin tried to do when he created the Soviet Union. It's what Hitler tried to do in Germany. What Muslim tried to do and all that collapsed. The Nazis created a world war and the fascist followed the Nazi and all that collapsed in a disaster. And they killed many people. He had the worst genocide in history show the Holocaust and Soviet Union collapsed later. And I could say that China never collapsed, but you have less and less people who think that China could be the future different future, but you still have people who think like that. They hide what they think, and they could say that if you look, and it's very important to see it. If you look at what what's happening in devils the people who speak of the great reset, you see that they have a strong admiration for the Chinese way of transforming a society. <affirmative> Zhin Ping was invited very often, and I could say that these people are the new totalitarians.
So when you think that the left is opposed to that, you could say that you have two aspects of the left. You have a leftist, you have many leftist here, and they think that close pub is their enemy. But if you look at the Biden administration, for example, in the United States, you see that the Biden administration is very close to the ideas of Schwab on the graduate set. And they say it clearly when they speak sometimes. And so these people wants to destroy open societies and the societies like the United States, why so many people in the world hate the United States? It's because the United States is the most powerful open society in the world. And if the United States did not exist, I could say Hitler could have been Vic victorious <affirmative>. He could have won the war would have, Yes, yes, of course. And in the beginning, Hitler and Stalin were allies after that they had to fight together.
And they could say that if the United States had not decided to help Stalin I think that Hitler would have one. And in such a case, we would be in a very different world. And afterwards I could say that if the United States did not exist the Soviet Union could have won. So the United States has been for more than one century the enemy of totals. So the totals hate the United States because the United States defeated them many times, <affirmative>. And it's the same with the new form of totalitarianism that is Islamism radical Muslims were largely defeated by the United States. So it the same. And so if you want to understand why so many people hated the United States, you have to understand that it's because of what the United States is. The United States is a beacon of democracy, of human rights, of free markets, and of freedom in general. And these people know it.
And so they cannot respect the United States. They just want to destroy the United States. And they could say that the left, and it's the case with the American left, wants to destroy the United States. And if you look at the new left that is now the left you see that these people had only one aim and they start to be successful. I hope that they will be defeated, but they would to be defeated quickly. They want to destroy the American society. And if you look at what the forbid the Biden administration is doing, you can see that the Biden administration is trying to destroy all the elements constituting the United States. They want to destroy the American population. That's why they did open the border on the south, the border between Mexico and the United States. You, you're have many, many people who come in the country and they don't try to see who these people are.
And many of these people are members of gangs. Many of these people practice drug trafficking. Many of these people are gangsters. Many of these people terrorists carry. Yes, you have terrorists among them. And many of these people can be sick. They carry disease. And these people bring drugs like fentanyl in the United States, and slowly they destroy the American society. They create areas that are unsafe. They create AR areas where people don't integrate to American society. They create AR areas where people hate the United States. And as it's not enough they destroy history. If you look at the way American history is practiced in high schools in universities, you see that students are brainwashed by the curriculum. Yeah, exactly. If you listen to what is said in historic classes you see that the teachers want children or students in general to hate this country, to think that this country was created thanks to genocide, slavery, and that really, this country is disgusting.
This country must be destroyed. So you create a generation of people who wants to destroy the country they live in, and they do the same thing with the blacks. They say to the blacks You built this country, <affirmative>, everything that exists in this country has been built by you but Doty white people exploited you, <affirmative>. So you have to take a revenge. And white people are racist, <affirmative>, and so slowly they disseminate destruction in the United States and they can be successful. I could say that right now many things are destroyed. In the United States, the education system is largely destroyed because when in a country you learn to children and to students to hate their own country, you destroy a country. If you look at the media, mass media, mainstream media in the United States, you see that they don't give information to people. It's mostly propaganda.
And the propaganda has one aim to destroy the country, to push people, to hate each other, to think that they cannot rely on each other to think that businesses are practicing exploitation of poor people, <affirmative> business are greedy, et cetera, etc. So they destroy any aspect of society and they want people to push this destruction because they are brainwashed. And we are in this kind of situation right now. And so the problem is not only to gain power again and to win elections, but you will have many, many more things to do. You would have to change the way the education works. You would have to change the media and you would have to change many aspects of business because in many businesses you have people who think like that and who try to educate the employees of the business and to think that they are guilty when they are white and that they are exploiters of black people.
And so I think that it would be a huge task to try to recover from now on. And it would be a huge work. I could say that during the Trump years Trump tried to redress the situation, but to address the situation. Yeah. Yes. But he was not successful or he was partly successful, but four years or not enough. And I could say even when I speak of four years I'm too generous. It was only three years. After three years, you had the pandemic and the left use the pandemic to destroy the economy, to destroy freedom, et cetera, et cetera. And as it was not enough they created riots all about the country.
Was that purely for the election, the purpose of the election or beyond that? Did it serve a purpose beyond the
Prof. Milliere:
No. For them for the left the election of Trump was a bad surprise. <affirmative>, they didn't expect it. And so immediately they started to destroy the Trump presidency to do their best
DemoCast :
For the deep state.
Prof. Milliere:
Yeah. Yes, yes, exactly. The deep state is working for the left. It's obvious. And so they did hope that Trump could do nothing. <affirmative> Trump could do a few things anyway, but they did their best to create a situation where it could do nothing. And as it was not enough, after three years, they used the pandemic, as I said, and they destroyed the economy. They pushed people to be afraid. They said, they started to say to people, All of you will die if you don't stop to work, if you don't go back home if you accept the destruction of your freedom. And the American economy collapsed for a few month and after they started to recover. But when the economy started to recover they used the death of a gangster, a small thief in Minneapolis named George Floyd. George Floyd, exactly. They used it to create riots.
And the riots created a lot of destruction in the country. And because of that situation, it was easier to use fraud to change the fraud, to change the result of the elections. So they were successful. And after that by Biden came to power and they could start to destroy the country again. And they did it very quickly. I could say that when Obama was president, Obama was an anti-American leftist, still an anti-American leftist, but he did it slowly. And now it's quick, stronger destruction. If you look at the southern border, even under Obama, you didn't have the present situation and the southern border of the country. You have thousands and thousands of people went through the country every day. And after that, these people are put in buses or in planes, and they are sent to many, many parts of the country. They do it by night. So people cannot see it, but they do it. And so they want to destroy the American population. That's very clear. And they push different agenda in the education system. When you say Zay, are you referring just to No left, the far left, the Biden administration. And
Is it the Democratic Party around the country - or only in Washington?
Prof. Milliere:
All around the country, I could say that you have less and less moderate Democrats. Moderate Democrats are pushed away and almost everywhere. And there you have insane leftist who really wants to destroy the country. And if you see all the money that was spent by the bid, by the administration in the first month, <affirmative> you see that they wanted to create inflation, now you have inflation. But they are not insane. They knew what they were doing. When you create a lot of money and when you create much more money than what you produce, create inflation because, so they created inflation. It all economists know that because every part of the money you create is supposed to be able to buy a part of what your product, of what you produce. And if you increase the amount of money and if you don't increase the amount of what you produce, you create inflation. Every dollar can buy much less. So to buy the same amount, you have to use many more dollars. And you have the goal is to destroy property to destroy the value of money and to push people to be more dependent from the state, from the government because people have less money. But the government can say, You have problems, you don't have enough money, we can send you checks. So people become dependent on the government, they lose their independence. And that's what's happening right now.
Is it Communism?
Prof. Milliere:
Yes, it the way leading to Communism.
And to ensure communist equality. Yeah. What does the government then require of the population? So to find out that people are not using the black market or getting around the government and dissent, what kind of steps do they take to invade people's privacy?
Prof. Milliere:
They can invade people's privacy in many, many ways. For example they can say, You need to use vaccines. Or if you don't use vaccines, you will not be able to travel. You will not be able to do many, many things. So it's a way to invade privacy. And if you become dependent on the government, if you receive a part of what you need to live from the government, you become dependent from the government. You are not in independent anymore. So they don't want people to be independent. And if you increase the price of gas you create a situation in which it's becoming harder and harder for people to travel, to visit France, to do many, many things <affirmative>. So you destroy liberty, you destroy the possibility for people to go somewhere else and to do many, many things. So it's a way to destroy liberty.
And I could say that if you want to understand what's happening right now in the United States, you have to look at what did happen in France or in other European countries. I'm coming from France, so I know how it works in France. I would say 30, 40 years ago you had some Muslims living in the country, but not as, Right now you have more than 750 no-go zones in France. And these areas are no-go for the police. The police cannot, cannot enter. They cannot. No, they cannot enter these zones. And too dangerous. Exactly. Or if they go inside because they are looking for an order or something like that, they can create riots. And if you have riots all over the country, it creates a very dangerous situation for everybody. So they prefer to don't go in to leave these areas alone. So French people leave these areas and they are abundant.
They are not part of the French territory anymore. And it has very bad consequences for the economy because in these areas you have gangs, and these gangs go out of these areas to steal to practice bank robbery to murder people, people. And so you destroy the economy and the freedom of people to go out and to do many, many things. So it did happen in France. And I could say that if you look at the price of gas, the price of gas is much higher than here. And so people travel much less, and they use people to use public transportation on only public transportation. And when you use only public transportation you depend on the government because the good government control public transportation. And so you have less freedom to do what you want to do, but
They restrict someone's access to...
Prof. Milliere:
Yes. And they use the idea that you have a global warming or climate change to <affirmative>. And they said, because of climate change we have to block streets. You have no possibility to go in some areas of the city except if you walk. So it's a good way to push people to comply, to have less freedom. And I could say that speaking about global warming and speaking of climate change is a good way to destroy every freedom, every liberty in the country. Because if you say to people, if you use your car, you contribute to global warming or you contribute to climate change. So don't use your car. Even if you travel somewhere you contribute to global warming and to climate change. And for example, even if you buy a ticket of plane or if you take the train in France, when you buy your ticket, it shows that you produce this amount of carbon monoxide.
So you are guilty and they show you that you are guilty. So you feel I'm guilty, so I will not do it anymore. And <affirmative>, when you destroy liberty when you destroy freedom you create people who are compliant and who accept almost anything. <affirmative>. And I could say France use Chinese methods during the pandemic. Yeah. For example, for several month French people were supposed to stay inside the home and they had no right to go out, or they could go out for one hour a day, That's it. They had no right to speak to other people in the streets because it could have been dangerous. <affirmative> you could be contaminated. They didn't have the right to go out and to go on the beach, for example, even in they were alone in the beach, <affirmative> I don't know if they risked to contaminate the sand or the sea <laugh>, but they had no right.
And all the people accepted this situation, <affirmative>. And they had to show a paper saying, I go out for one hour and to show it to the police. And they didn't have the right to go away from the home for a distance that would be more than health, health minor. That's it. <affirmative>. So all the apartments, all the houses in France were transformed into prisons. <affirmative>, <affirmative>, all people accepted to be prisoners in their own home, <affirmative>. And they accepted it. Nobody contested that <affirmative>. And in order to brainwash people every day at 8:00 PM you had a doctor coming on TV saying, Today 120 people died. Died. 1000 people had to go to the hospital, etcetera, <affirmative>. So people were supposed to say to themselves, I risk to die if I go out I risk to die. If I go back to the freedom I had in the past, it became impossible on all the people accepted. Nobody tried to go against that. Cause everyone was afraid to die. So France become a kind of totalitarian society and all the freedoms were completely suppressed for several months.
Prof. Milliere:
The mainstream media. You have two kinds of media in France, either media that belongs to the state. So you have state propaganda or media that belongs to company, companies, corporate that work for the state. So they have ties to the state, right? If they don't say what the state ask them to say they lose their contracts.
Well, isn't it similar in the United States?
Prof. Milliere:
I don't think so. I think that you still have here come some independent media. For example, I could say that media like Fox News belong to a big business that works only in the field of news or motion picture industry, but they don't depend on the state. And I could say that it's the same with Newsmax, for example. Newsmax has no tie to the government. Yes. So you have that, but you don't have that in France. In many European countries you don't have that
<affirmative>. But these are exclusive channels that people have to pay to receive as opposed to broadcast channels, broadcast networks, ABC, CBS, NBC.
Prof. Milliere:
Oh, these businesses
DemoCast :
And the local stations who are also corporate connected. Most stations are not truly independent, but they're corporations
Prof. Milliere :
For whom. But you still have some elements of liberty here that you don't have anymore in countries like France, unlike most European countries,
Prof. Milliere :
So it's not perfect at all. And I could say that you still have American billionaires, they can buy something like Twitter. Twitter for example. And you see the reaction of the left. Ellen Musk said I want free speech. Twitter will become a place for free speech. And you look at the reaction of the left, the left say, Oh, it's scary. We don't want that. He will destroy our way to think about free speech. For them, free speech is only the way they speak
DemoCast :
The way they
Prof. Milliere :
Think. Yes. And the way they think and the way they speak.
DemoCast :
But there are more billionaires who own, as an example, Michael Bloomberg and Jeff Besos owns the Washington Post.
Prof. Milliere :
DemoCast :
So there's much more billionaire or
Prof. Milliere :
Yes, exactly. Exactly of what we hear. I could say that here in the United States, 80, 85% of the media belongs to the left <affirmative>. In France, it's almost 100%. So at least you have some element of freedom that are left in the United States.
DemoCast :
Are these leftist sways in the individual countries? Are they disconnected or are they somehow related?
Prof. Milliere :
I don't understand your question.
DemoCast :
What I mean, is it just France and Italy just independently become a more leftist? Or is there some kind of a central influence like China or World Economic Forum?
Prof. Milliere :
I could say that the World Economic Forum has a strong influence. China has a strong influence. And I could say that in Europe you have the European Union. And the European Union creates a kind of nomen cura taking care of every aspect of European societies. And I could say that a former Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky wrote a book about that and said the European Union has one model, the Soviet Union, they work like the Soviet Union. They didn't destroy all liberties, but that's what they want to do it. So the European Union is a kind of subject union that can last because they didn't destroy all the freedoms.
DemoCast :
What happened to you when you addressed these issues in European media? Personally
Prof. Milliere :
I used to be a talk show host guest for a couple of month a guest. And before the show was starting, people were saying to me, Don't speak about that. It's forbidden. <affirmative> don't do it. So
Who would say it? The people at the TV or radio?
Prof. Milliere :
Yeah, no, the people who own the media the people who represent them. And so some topics were for forbidden. I couldn't speak about it <affirmative>. And I could say that I stopped to be a talk show host guest.
DemoCast :
You were a host? Yeah.
Prof. Milliere :
Oh, for a couple of month. But sorry. But a frequent West guest was Muslim, <affirmative> leftist Muslim, <laugh> <affirmative>. And he was saying things that I could not accept. So I was criticized him very often. And one day he said the Holocaust did not even exist.
DemoCast :
Did it occur? Yeah.
Prof. Milliere :
And so I said, That's insane, <affirmative>. And I wrote an article about that <affirmative>. And the next day he said to the owners of this station If you keep him, I will never come back again. And people like me will not come back again. The next day I was fired.
DemoCast :
<affirmative>. Was it a Muslim channel?
Prof. Milliere :
DemoCast :
What kind of a channel was
Prof. Milliere :
It? It was a private channel with connection with the government. But it was a private channel, not a Muslim channel. So if Muslim say bad, a leftist Muslim say bad things, if
DemoCast :
They complain,
Prof. Milliere :
They have the right to say it. If you criticize them you are the guilty party.
DemoCast :
Is it a bit like black activists can label someone as
Prof. Milliere :
Racist? They're done. Exactly.
DemoCast :
How about Muslims? Is it similar in the US today?
Prof. Milliere :
No, because they have much less power in the United States right now. And I think that they have much less power. It's because you have only a small amount of Muslims in American society. You have Muslims, but not as small as many as in country like France, in the country, like France. And they are 10% of the population. And it's almost impossible to get elected if you don't have the Muslim vote. And so you have to pay attention to what you say. You have to know that if you say something wrong about the Muslim, they will not vote for you. So you will not be elected the next time. You have to know that if you say really something strong against Muslims, you can have riots, et cetera, et cetera. <affirmative>. So
DemoCast :
What is Islamist imperialism is when you say Muslims in a country, maybe French Muslims have their own individual attitude. And in Germany and in Canada and America, they have, Or is there
Prof. Milliere :
Some kind of in every country where you have Muslims you can have some Muslims who integrate in societies. But Islam said that if you are a good Muslim, you are a member of the community of believers. And the community of believers is all Muslims on the south page of the earth. And you have to respect other Muslims and you have to obey to Muslim love. And according to Islam, the world is divided in two parts. One part is Dar al Islam. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> the territory where Islam rules
DemoCast :
The sphere of Muslim influence (power).
Prof. Milliere :
Yes, exactly. In any country. Yes. Yes. And you have a Dar al Harb - the realm of war. So this territory is a territory where Islam doesn't rule yet, but people, it's supposed to rule later
For the, It's the land of battle for conquest.
Prof. Milliere:
Exactly. Exactly. So the duty of a good Muslim is to disseminate Islam and to push people to convert or to submit
DemoCast :
Into just what their religious beliefs are. Or in terms of political influence?
Prof. Milliere :
I could say that in Islam you don't have any difference between religion and politics. All that is connected in Islam God rules, God rules not only religiously but also politically. And so God has to rule everywhere, in every aspect of society.
DemoCast :
Why isn't this more known by now 20 years after September 11th?
Prof. Milliere :
I could say that it's because of the left think that Muslims and Islam can be their ally. They have something in common and they have something in common. They want to destroy the Western civilization. The left wants to destroy Western civilization. <affirmative> Muslims want to destroy Western civilization, <affirmative>. So they have this in common and they can work together. So I could say that Islamists think that it's good for them to have allies in the left because it helped them to conquer the West conquer and to make the west more Islamic. And the left think we use the Muslim to conrow the West. So one day we shall triumph and we shall get rid of Muslims, <affirmative>. And I think that Muslims have more possibilities to rule in the future because you have many more Muslims on the surface of the earth, then you have a leftist <affirmative>. And so I think that leftist are the useful idiots of Islam right now,
DemoCast :
How much leftist essence exists in main, the mainstream democratic party?
Prof. Milliere :
I think that the Democratic party is now leftist party. It was not the case 20 years ago, but now it's different. Now it's a leftist party. And maybe you have some Democrats who are not leftist, but they are pushed on the side. Or I think that people say to them, If you want to be elected as a Democrat, you have to accept the way we are now. If you don't accept and go out, go away, <affirmative>, you will not stay in the party.
DemoCast :
<affirmative>, is there a parallel? Did this occur in any European countries where the central,
Prof. Milliere :
Yeah. Yes, I could say that. If I look at the last elections in France, for example the traditional party of the left almost disappeared completely. The French socialist party got less than 2% of the votes last time. But leftist party who accept Islamist got 25%, almost 25% 23, something like that. So you see that leftist working with Islamist gain power, <affirmative>. And I could say that if a candidate of the traditional communist party had not been a candidate, the candidate of this leftist Islamic party could have been present at the second round of the election. And if the people who were older than 65 had not voted this guy would got more than 30% of the votes. So they are becoming very strong <affirmative>. They gain ground.
DemoCast :
Yes. How does, because we're recording this on Holocaust remembrance Day in terms of lessons that can be learned, how did the population of a western civilized country like Germany, how did the population become? So how did they turn so loyal to the state and opposed to their Jewish neighbors?
Prof. Milliere :
I'm not sure that they are opposed to Jewish neighbors. I could say that right now in Germany. In Germany people have a strong sense of guilt. They still have a Yes. Even today, how
DemoCast :
Did it occur in the 1930s that the government was able to
Prof. Milliere :
But they feel that what did happen in the 1930s was coming from the fact that they rejected all the people who are different from them. And for them, they rejected Jews for that reason. And now they apply this way of thinking to Muslims. So they say We rejected Jews in the past and it was really bad. It led to the Holocaust. Now we accept Jews, but we accept everyone. So we even accept Muslims, we accept radical Muslims. We have to be tolerant. And because of that, Germany is moron more Muslim. You heard more and more Muslims in Germany and Germans are paralyzed. They say nothing. And you have antisemitism in Germany, but it's mostly Muslim antisemitism.
DemoCast :
Mostly Muslim?
Prof. Milliere :
Yeah, Muslim antisemitism. So because of that, Germans are afraid to criticize antisemites because they are Muslims and they say, We accept everyone. We don't want to say something bad about Muslims. And the same in France. They
DemoCast :
Don't wanna feel that they're racist.
Prof. Milliere :
Yes, yes, exactly.
DemoCast :
And how does this allow Islamism to rise to influence?
Prof. Milliere :
Yeah, because of that, they say we have to be tolerant, we have to accept all different people. And it's the same in France, the left gang ground and the Islam gang is gaining ground. Because of that you have more and more Islamist in France, in Germany. How about
DemoCast :
Prof. Milliere :
The same thing. Britain? Yeah.
DemoCast :
The Corbyn Labor Party. This has this kind of influence.
Prof. Milliere :
Yeah, yeah. Yes, exactly. Exactly.
Guy Millière, a senior fellow of the Gatestone Institute, is a professor
at the University of Paris and published 27 books on France, Europe,
the United States, and the Middle East. He is also the authors of
thousands of articles published in France, Israel, and the United
States. His last book, “The Resistible Rise of Barack Obama,” is an
analysis of the policies and consequences of the Obama administration.
He is working on an autobiography, “Dissident,” that will be published Spring 2023.
Here is a list of Prof. Milliere's articles in English on Gatestone Institute's website.