In fact, it is Jonathan Greenblatt of the ADL who needs to be terminated, not Tucker.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of ADL; Tucker Carlson, Fox News host/author (Photo:

Writer, Rabbi Dov Fischer, Esq. (a high-stakes litigation attorney of more than
twenty-five years and an adjunct professor of law of more than fifteen
years) is rabbi of Young Israel of Orange County, California. This article originally appeared in The Spectator, September 26, 2021
Jonathan Greenblatt - at the so-called Anti-Defamation League (ADL) - is back at it again, demanding Tucker Carlson’s termination at Fox News
for speaking simple obvious truths that have absolutely no bearing on
matters pertaining to Jews or to bigotry. So it now devolves on me once again
to join this nonsensical fray on the other side — to defend Tucker, to
reiterate that Greenblatt simply is an Obama Administration holdover who
managed to get hired by the ADL after Obama’s people found themselves
out of jobs when that Administration’s tenure ended. Greenblatt has
turned a once-vaunted organization that was created to fight
anti-Semitism into a wing of the Democrat Party.
Replacement theory absolutely is correct. It indeed is true that Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the Democrats have embraced and are busily executing a methodical plan to replace — to replace — the American GOP majority electorate with an imported foreign voter pool, brought in from outside the United States. For the pedantic, the term “Replacement” as used in this context does not mean literally to remove from the country and to replace 74,216,154 voters with 74,216,154 other voters. Rather, it means that a conscious, concerted, methodical Democrat effort is afoot to import into the American voting pool a sufficient number of people from outside the demographic of conservative- and centrist-oriented United States citizens eligible to vote so as to create an overwhelming imbalance in voting margins that assures a quasi-permanent majority for the Left’s agglomeration of liberals, progressives, socialists, and others identifying among their “Intersectionalists” and their “Woke.”
The Replacement Voters carefully have been targeted to come from societies that have left them destitute so that they depend desperately on government handouts to survive. Thus, they are not being imported from Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, or Valencia. It is not about language. Such Replacement Voters will vote Democrat by the millions for years to come until they finally get on their own two feet (multiplied by millions). None of this has anything to do with color, religion, language. Rather, it has to do with the culture of the societies from which they now are being imported. It plainly is true.
The 1970s saw the American voter pool move decidedly conservative and Republican after the LBJ era’s excesses destroyed core American values and disillusioned Americans to turn away from the liberalism that had won some endearment after the 1929 crash and the rebounds — both economic and military — that took place during the FDR years, though often despite Roosevelt. The 1960s saw the Warren Court take federal law to extremes on the Left and coddle murderers while Lyndon Johnson moved forward with a “Great Society” myth that, among other things:
- Destroyed the Black family.
- Drove Black men from their homes, their jobs, their wives and their children.
- Consigned Black America to a new era of poverty and economic disadvantage.
- Assured that Black male youths would grow up without fathers as role models at home.
- Laid the foundation for Black young men to populate American prisons disproportionately to their 12 percent of the population.
You wanna talk about “Systemic Racism,” baby? There it is, courtesy of the Democrat Left!
That Leftist agenda of government handouts encouraged masses to stop working harder to pull themselves ahead by their own bootstraps and fooled them into believing that government would pave their paths to middle-class comforts. The reality is that no one ever is going to hand you more money than he has. If I have $1,000 I ain’t going to give you $501, leaving you richer than I am. I will give you help — because I have a decent soul, a Jewish heart of compassion. But I am not a fool. If I am only for myself, what am I? But, c’mon: If I am not first for myself, who will be for me? I won’t make you richer than I am. Neither will George Soros. Neither will Nancy Pelosi. Neither will Ocasio. She gets to pose with $14,000 outfits — not the poor.
The Government never will make handout recipients wealthy nor set them on the path to the top. The Government may offer “help.” But it will not ever help the needy to transcend their need. The only way forward is the idea that emanates from American genius: self-help, self-betterment, risk-taking, and — at the very, very, very top of the list: assuming and bearing personal responsibility. Sooner or later, each and every immigrant population wave has figured this out — and boomed as a result: Germans, Irish, Poles, Italians, Jews, Indo-Asians, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese, everyone.
Americans saw what the Lyndon Johnson Years — the Great Society and his Warren Court — did. Crime soared. Inner cities became crime hubs. Downtown stores that once could remain open until 9 p.m. had to close downtown at 5 p.m. Suddenly closing four hours earlier daily, such stores had to lay off workers. Fewer store hours generated less sales revenue, hence reduced sales taxes paid into the system. Fewer store hours generated less income for hourly employees, hence reduced income taxes paid into the system. Those who previously paid income taxes into the system now instead started collecting tax handouts from the system: food stamps, welfare, whatever else they came up with. Public housing expected no “sweat equity” — no contributing aspect from people being moved into the homes — so residents, with no personal stake in their brand-new residential units, let them decay and rot. Public housing became festers for crime, for drug sales. Lighter prison sentences doled out by liberal judges, revolving-door justice, and more compassion for even hardened criminals meant the villains stayed in prison for shorter periods of time, got to spend more time free to perpetrate and perpetuate the same crimes again and again — became recidivists — and even stopped fearing getting caught in between crimes because they knew they would escape incarceration or be “out on parole” soon enough.
People — even liberals — just got sick of it. The word “liberal” became so shameful a name that they started calling themselves something new: ”progressives.” Americans jumped over and elected Nixon-Agnew in 1968 over Humphrey-Muskie. Despite Watergate, which everyone knew was coming — and despite few people actually liking Nixon — they reelected the two presumed GOP crooks in 1972 over the Left’s McGovern-Eagleton-Shriver alternative. After a brief moment of national doubt, when Americans got deceived into believing that Georgia governor Jimmy Carter would be a conservative or at least very moderate Christian evangelical, a church Sunday School teacher and peanut farmer from deep in the heart of Dixie, they flocked to Reagan once and then to Reagan again in 1980 and 1984. Holding their noses, Americans then elected George H.W. Bush in 1988 because he falsely presented as the supposed bearer of Reagan’s legacy as Reagan’s two-term Vice President. When Americans grasped that this Bush was no Reagan, America turned again to a Dixie-deep Democrat, this one in Arkansas. Clinton allowed Dick Morris to convince him wisely to moderate after Hillary caused catastrophe by spurring him initially to the left, costing the Democrats the House in 1994. And then, after the Clinton Sex Frolics, it was back to the GOP when America elected another George Bush in 2000 and 2004 rather than opting for Al Gore’s inconvenient truths or the Swift Boat Kid.
By 2004, with Arab Islamist crazies in Al Qaeda and Hamas and Hezbollah and Palestine-Terror-Against-Christians-This and Palestine-Terror-Against-Americans-That and ISIS and Taliban attacking Americans — dare we call it “Workplace Violence”? — this country had moved permanently away from the Democrat left column. Accordingly, the Democrats reached an awareness:
- We Democrats have lost the American electorate.
- We Democrats got our chance when Franklin Roosevelt came in on the heels of a Great Depression under Republican Herbert Hoover.
- We Democrats dominated American public policy for 36 consecutive
years from 1932 under FDR, his successor Harry Truman, a Dwight
Eisenhower who really was quite the liberal who gave us Earl Warren and
did not shake up but rather reinforced our liberal agenda, and then John
Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson through 1968.
- As we implemented our vision and strategies, at home and abroad,
everything great in this country became very ruined — and a strong
majority eventually came to see the clear straight line that connects
all our policies to the mess.
- We did not realize initially how badly we had lost the mainstream
middle of America’s electorate. But, looking back, even Nixon land-slid
us despite (i) Watergate hovering, (ii) Agnew at his side, and (iii) he
being so unlikable. Even Reagan — a clown, a moron, an actor, a guy who
made a movie with a chimp or a monkey in bed with him — killed us twice …
ultimately surviving even Iran-Contra. We even lost one to George H.W.
Bush and then two to that idiot son of his who never learned how to pronounce “nuclear” like an educated high school grad but kept saying “nookyooler.” For G-d’s sakes, his Vice President actually shot a guy while hunting, and we still couldn’t dislodge them.
- We Democrats have lost the American electorate so badly that our
fallback impenetrable iron wall — the durable Deep South — that voted straight Democrat for 120 years from 1860-1980 has turned on us.
- It will take us a generation or two, if we still even are around that long, to win back the electorate with our ideas.But, at this rate, we may not even be around in a generation or two.
Faced with this political calamity — a lost electorate and no reasonably attainable solution on the horizon for winning back the voters — the Democrats very wisely devised a new strategy: Let’s replace the electorate.
To replace the electorate, they literally decided to import millions of new voters from Latin America and South America to switch red conservative states like California, Nevada, and Arizona over to their column, while moving others like Colorado to purple. This was the Great Replacement Agenda. That is why the Democrats — who always had taken the lead in opposing illegal immigration from the south because of the way it devastates salaries and hourly pay among their historic constituencies of low-income Blacks, Hispanics, and White Midwestern blue-collar union workers — suddenly changed course overnight. They saw how the California of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George Deukmejian, and Pete Wilson could be replaced. The Arizona of Barry Goldwater, Jon Kyl, Jan Brewer, and Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. The Nevada of Jim Gibbons, Brian Sandoval, Pete Laxalt, Chic Hecht, John Ensign, and Dean Heller.
Just bus ’em in. Open the borders. Play dumb and blind and unaware. Talk tough about controlling security with high-tech lasers and overhead drones but keep busing them in, catching and releasing ’em, just bring ‘em in to replace the conservative and even the moderate and otherwise disillusioned electorate. Move the Replacers up north if possible — to Virginia, to North Carolina, to Georgia. Put some anti-American Somalians in Minnesota. Make sure the ones who come have no means of support so that they will have no choice but to vote for Big Government handouts. Create a new word: “Entitlements.” Tell them the craziest thing ever: that they actually are entitled to handouts of other people’s money.
Are you “entitled” to have my wife? No? Are you entitled to have my kids? No? Are you entitled to receive my car, my house, my personal library of 4,000 volumes of Torah commentary, several centuries of published rabbinic responsa and Judaica, and secular American law? No? (You may have my 8-track music cartridges and Beta Max movies.) Are you entitled to take possession of my Chanukah menorah, my Purim megillah, my Rosh Hashanah shofar, or my Passover seder plate? No? Well, then, by what measure does anyone who suddenly enters this country — even if legally, and all-the-more-so if otherwise — have entitlement to receive part of my income taken from me without my consent and given to them? I worked many long and hard hours for the money to buy that $3,000 Talmud set. I also worked many longer and harder hours to acquire and save the additional cash to put my four kids through college, to buy my home, and to set aside additional assets I might someday need for my retirement, too. By what right is the Replacement Voter entitled to that?
But this became Democrat public policy strategy: to replace the conservative Republican-leaning American electorate with voters addicted to a permanent dole. Thus, Tucker Carlson is absolutely right. They replaced the California Republican majority, and they are proceeding state by state.
Alas, unfortunately but inevitably, this country of 300 million does have among its number a small group of hate-filled Nazi White supremacists. You see them hidden among the anonymous trolls who comment on the internet. Some of those Wannabe Nazis, a small handful who interwove themselves among a much larger majority of many good and very fine people, went to Charlottesville one fateful day with idiotic comments painted on placards asseverating that Jews were being brought in to replace them. Idiots. Real G-d awful idiots. That idiocy has proven to be the excuse an Obama hack like Jonathan Greenblatt at the ADL waited for to argue that “Replacement Theory” is a code word for “anti-Semitism.” Really? And shall we say that, because Hitler and Eichmann, Goehring and Dr. Mengele spoke German, that any time we hear the word “kindergarten” or “gezuntheit,” a closet Nazi lurks?
So it falls on bona fide Jewish spokespeople, honest-to-goodness religious and Judaic leaders like the 1,500 rabbis of the Coalition for Jewish Values, to issue statements that in fact it is Jonathan Greenblatt of the ADL who needs to be terminated, not Tucker — and it is ADL that needs to be replaced by real Jewish defenders who stand at the ready to defend Jews and American values.
A real ADL — if it existed as it once did before Jonathan Greenblatt — would be demanding not that Tucker be fired but that Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar be fired, removed from Nancy Pelosi committees, removed exactly as Republicans removed Iowa Rep. Steve King for far less egregious statements and reasons. In a fair world, where Jew-haters in this country like AOC and Tlaib and Omar really would be called out for anti-Semitism, ADL would be demanding that the most severe action be taken against those very Nazi-type Democrats who repeatedly attack Jews, post the most hateful anti-Semitic tweets built around the worst of Hitler’s canards and stereotypes about Jews, and then even try to prevent Israel from defensively shooting down rockets aimed at its civilian centers.
But Greenblatt won’t demand that those Nazi-like Democrats be taken off committees. ADL is now so deeply conjoined with the Intersectional Woke Left that even Ben Carson would not be able to detach them safely.
It is a matter of public record that 1,500 American rabbis want Jonathan Greenblatt to stop abusing the historic legacy of ADL — now. He must stop speaking in our name or in the name of any Jews. He does not speak for American Jews and has led the ADL down a path that now leaves it as anathema in wide swaths of American Jewish life. He speaks only for the Obama Left, as he is entitled to do. But not in the name of Jews or in the name of opposing anti-Semitism.
Now, that is a worthy Replacement Agenda: Jonathan Greenblatt has got to be removed from the Anti-Defamation League, or ADL has to be replaced by a new Jewish defense organization.
Rabbi Dov Fischer's writings on contemporary political issues have appeared over the
years in the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, the Jerusalem
Post, National Review, American Greatness, The Weekly Standard, and in
Jewish media in American and in Israel.
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