Yoo-hoo, Tucker Carlson, We’re Here (and We’ve Got Your Back)!

In fact, it is Jonathan Greenblatt of the ADL who needs to be terminated, not Tucker.  

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of ADL; Tucker Carlson, Fox News host/author (Photo: CNN.com)

Writer, Rabbi Dov Fischer, Esq. (a high-stakes litigation attorney of more than twenty-five years and an adjunct professor of law of more than fifteen years) is rabbi of Young Israel of Orange County, California.  This article originally appeared in The Spectator, September 26, 2021

Jonathan Greenblatt - at the so-called Anti-Defamation League (ADL) - is back at it again, demanding Tucker Carlson’s termination at Fox News for speaking simple obvious truths that have absolutely no bearing on matters pertaining to Jews or to bigotry. So it now devolves on me once again to join this nonsensical fray on the other side — to defend Tucker, to reiterate that Greenblatt simply is an Obama Administration holdover who managed to get hired by the ADL after Obama’s people found themselves out of jobs when that Administration’s tenure ended. Greenblatt has turned a once-vaunted organization that was created to fight anti-Semitism into a wing of the Democrat Party.

Replacement theory absolutely is correct. It indeed is true that Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the Democrats have embraced and are busily executing a methodical plan to replace — to replace — the American GOP majority electorate with an imported foreign voter pool, brought in from outside the United States. For the pedantic, the term Replacement” as used in this context does not mean literally to remove from the country and to replace 74,216,154 voters with 74,216,154 other voters. Rather, it means that a conscious, concerted, methodical Democrat effort is afoot to import into the American voting pool a sufficient number of people from outside the demographic of conservative- and centrist-oriented United States citizens eligible to vote so as to create an overwhelming imbalance in voting margins that assures a quasi-permanent majority for the Left’s agglomeration of liberals, progressives, socialists, and others identifying among  their Intersectionalists” and their Woke.”

The Replacement Voters carefully have been targeted to come from societies that have left them destitute so that they depend desperately on government handouts to survive. Thus, they are not being imported from Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, or Valencia. It is not about language. Such Replacement Voters will vote Democrat by the millions for years to come until they finally get on their own two feet (multiplied by millions). None of this has anything to do with color, religion, language. Rather, it has to do with the culture of the societies from which they now are being imported. It plainly is true.


What western leaders left us ill-prepared for by denying since Sept 11, 2001

Twenty years since the Islamist attacks of September 11th, how aware are we of "political Islam's" quest for the West - and the risk of importing thousands of Muslim Afghani fighters into America?

Islamists crashed 2, hijacked US passenger planes
murdering 3,000 people in WTC Twin Towers
"Celebrating Our Enemies, Twenty Years after 9/11" by Bruce Bawer.
America dives, Islam thrives.  
(FrontPage Magazine, Sept 10, 2021)
On 9/11, the world was shown, in one horrific, indelible image, precisely what Islam is all about. Today, to write the previous sentence is to be guilty of Islamophobia. How did that come to be?

It began in the days after 9/11 itself, when George W. Bush - by repeatedly insisting that the cause of the jihadists had nothing to do with Islam - effectively ruled out of bounds any criticism of that religion, or any honest education and open discussion about it. Instead, Bush - who had gotten it into his head that all religions are basically good, and who was manipulated by advisors who wanted to project American power in a part of the world about which they knew very little - used 9/11 as an excuse to rein in Americans’ civil liberties and go nation-building abroad. It was a massive folly, doomed to failure. Why doomed? Because Islam is utterly irreconcilable with American-style freedom and incapable of reform, at least not without a far more aggressive effort than America was willing to commit to. Unlike America, moreover, Islam has a long memory. Muslims recall their forebears’ foiled attempts to conquer the Christian West at Tours in 732 and Vienna in 1683; the attacks of 9/11 were part of a history of such actions that goes back to Islam’s earliest days. Yet few Westerners know about this history or are aware that 9/11 was part of it.
Article continues

Egyptian Muslim-raised, Nonie Darwish: 9/11 memorials must quit avoiding & start addressing who attacked us and why 

Pres.Biden is importing thousands of Muslim Afghanis
with Afghan/US army experience into American cities
(Photo: BBC News)

"One hundred Afghan evacuees flagged for possible terror ties: report"
by Kyle Morris. Fox News.com Sept 3, 2021

Two of the flagged Afghans are being sent to Kosovo for further review amid security concerns

An estimated 100 Afghan refugees from Afghanistan to the United States have been flagged for potential ties to terrorist organizations, including the Taliban, according to a new report.

Of more than 30,000 evacuees from Afghanistan to the U.S., about 10,000 needed additional screening as of Friday," NBC News reported, citing two sources familiar with evacuation efforts. "And of those about 100 were flagged for possible ties to the Taliban or terror groups."

The report stated that two of the flagged Afghans "raised enough concern for additional review" and are being sent to Kosovo for further review amid security concerns.

Many of the fighting-trained Afghani that Pres. Biden couldn't (or won't) properly vette for terror-ties in Afghanistan-vicinity are still ripe for Islamist activism and even jihadism inside of America.

Democracy Broadcasting has published more than 50 video news clips about the jihadist domination of the West over the past 15-years. Please subscribe and/or support our educating and sustaining free societies.


'Californians, vote YES for Larry Elder to restore liberty from Islamo-Maoists' - Iranian, human-rights educator

B.L.M. cofounder, Cullors, boasted about movement's
Marxist revolutionary objective. She and Melina Abdullah,
a Black Muslim revolutionary, both live in Los Angeles
Larry Elder, the longtime, outspoken debunker of Democrats' white-scapegoating via black-leftists, recognized revolutionary forces facilitating the Black Lives Matter riots during Democrat-governors-and-mayors' hyper-imposed, societal-restrictions America.

Nasrin, demonstrating in D.C. in '06 seeking US
justice for the regime-slaying of brother, Akbar

Fifteen years ago,
two freedom-seeking brothers of Iranian woman, Nasrin Mohammedi (Akbar and Manoucher) were tortured by the Islamist regime for protesting its tyranny - a dynamic which the governance of today's Democratic Party leaders echoes eerily for Nasrin.  

Around Memorial Day 2021, prior to declaring his candidacy for the California gubernatorial recall election, Mr. Elder attended the doctoral thesis-acceptance reception for
the now
Iranian-asylee / human-rights advocate, renamed Dr. Nasrin Parsian, Ed.D. 

Mr. Elder stands with Dr. Parsian in this video
to explains why he feels it vital for the West to learn from dissident Iranian voices in this Democrat-ushered era of Sino/Islamist Marxist  imperialism across the globe.

Guest author article by Iranian-Californian, Dr. Nasrin Parsian:

Larry Elder is a front runner in the Recall Election race to succeed Gavin Newsom as governor of California (Singh, 2021).
Larry Elder speaks about Iranian imperialism against
America and Israel at Nasrin Parsian reception

Larry Elder switched to the Republican Party in 2003. Mr. Elder came along after months of refusal of the Republican Party to recognize him as a candidate.

The Democratic Party of governor, Gavin Newsom, endeavor to smear Mr. Elder as an extremist. They allege that his reign would be a challenge to the progressive movement in California and America. 

Mr. Newsom recounted Elder’s statements to argue “he’s even more extreme than Trump in many respects.” Elder said “Newsom is an "elite dictator" who "abused power" during the pandemic” (White & Marinucci, 2021).

While making a campaign stop in Venice Beach yesterday, a white Democrat woman clad in a gorilla-mask, flung a raw egg in an attempt to strike Mr. Elder.

On Monday, Melina Abdullah, the Farrakhan-praising, Black-Muslim co-founder of Black Lives Matter attempted to smear Mr. Elder as "A black face on white supremacy.” (Nightingale, 2021).

Autocratic Iran spreads its Islamic Revolution against America & Israel via the global
Palestinian nationalism movement. George Floyd as rebel icon on W. Bank wall with Israel

Mr. Elder is a decent man with peaceful mind who is opposes gun control and any minimum wage, believes climate change policies are not worth the cost. He has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame (White & Marinucci, 2021).

During the reign of Gavin Newsom, there has been rapid increase in public disorder. Homelessness has reached every corner of the State (Eide, 2021).

In an interview question regarding homelessness and approach to housing, Mr. Elder explained that California housing has always been somewhat more expensive than in the rest of the country, because it has been a truly, great place to live.

But today, housing in California costs about 150% more than in the rest of the country. Fewer and fewer Californians can afford housing costs in their own state. Regulations and laws that benefit a select few have sent home prices soaring. I will repeal those perverse regulations.

One of the incumbent governor's campaign offers was to build 3.5 million new housing units by 2025. But where is the construction? We have builders eager to build for the large and growing population in California, but their hands are tied by unnecessary regulation.

Poor policy making in Sacramento has left our state ranking 49th in the union for the rate of construction. Why? Because, as is the case for gas prices, housing prices in California are being substantially and artificially inflated by meddling politicians in Sacramento. I (Larry Elder) will alleviate the housing crisis by letting the home builders build new homes!

The California College Republicans Chair says “I think that a lot of people were excited for the first time about Larry running.” (White & Marinucci, 2021)

Dr. Parsian concludes, "I believe that Larry Elder will be the governor California needs to restore balance to the state."

Early voting for the California Recall Election on Tuesday 14 September opens widely on Saturday 11 September. Find your nearest California polling place here.


Eide, S. (2021, September 3). "Homelessness is behind the anger at Gavin Newsom."
The Wall Street Journal.

Elder, L. (2021, August 13). "Q&A: Larry Elder, Recall candidate for California governor".
San Diego Union-Tribune, Interviewer.
https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/  opinion/commentary/story/2021-08-13/q-a-larry-elder-recall-candidate-for-california-governor/

Nightingale, H. (2021). "Larry Elder attacked by protester throwing eggs in Los Angeles     neighbourhood."  Daily Advent.

Singh, M. (2021). "A complete shock’: the rightwing contrarian leading the California recall race."  The Guardian. 

White, J. B., & Marinucci, C. (2021). "He opposes gun control, the minimum wage and could be  California’s next governor"  Politico.