Former Soviet-bloc refugees bear-out Trevor Loudon's "Enemies Within" exposé of Communist subversion within Democrat ranks

Trevor Loudon Q&A post-screening of "Enemies Within" at A.F.A. in L.A.
Author turned filmmaker, Trevor Loudon screened the documentary adaptation of his non-fiction exposé, "THE ENEMIES WITHIN: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress" on Saturday, 15 Oct at a gathering of the American Freedom Alliance in Los Angeles. Mr. Loudon answered questions from the attendees in this DemoCast exclusive video.

“The Enemies Within” profiles fourteen Senators and more than fifty members of the House of Representatives and their ties to Communist Party USA, Democratic Socialists of America, Workers World Party, the Institute for Policy Studies, Council for a Livable World and other radical, anti-American organizations. Watch the trailer here:

Czech-born, anti-Communist refugee, Mr. Bo Volarik, was among a number of attendees from former Soviet-bloc countries who are concerned that the Obama/Clinton Democrat Party are promoting Cloward/Piven strategies towards Socialism and totalitarianism in the United States.

Trevor Loudon and AFA Pres., Karen Siegmund post-screening
The Enemies Within movie can be seen through links on http://EnemiesWithinMovie.com/
Follow Trevor Loudon's blog on http://TrevorLoudon.com/ .
Future news and events on http://American Freedom Alliance

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