Massacre in Paris: How will West avert Islamization through migration?

Poll by ICM Research for the Russian news agency Rossiya Segodnya.
Why France will do nothing about the Paris Massacre 
by David "Spengler" Goldman, Asia Times 11/15/15
Ignored in news coverage of the Paris massacre is the single most pertinent piece of background: A 2014 opinion poll found that ISIS had an approval rating in France (at 16%) almost as high as President Francois Holland (at 18%). In the 18-to-24-year-old demographic, ISIS’ support jumped to 27%.

Muslims comprise about a tenth of France’s population, so the results imply that ISIS had the support of the overwhelming majority of French Muslims (and especially Muslim youth), as well as the endorsement of a large part of the non-Muslim Left.  Read more:

California-surfer turned education-reformer, Rabbi Nachum Shifren has spoken-out against Islamization and Islamic Jew-hatred from Dearborn, Michigan to Whitehall in London (and other UK rallies with the English Defence League). Visiting L.A. from his current residence in Canada, Rabbi Shifren comments on the Paris Attacks ramifications.

The Education Rabbi, Nachum Shifren, endures Jew-hate-filled Islamists and left-wingers organized by left-wing agitators B.A.M.N. ("By Any Means Necessary") to call patriotic Americans to action - from Pastor Terry Jones' counter-sharia rally in Dearborn, Michigan on Friday 17 June 2011.


World, east and west, look to Israeli media for lessons in addressing Islamist terror

Lior Raz, co-creator and star of Israeli TV's "Fouda" action-drama series
Islamist war against Israel- then and now. Filmmakers involved in films screened at the 29th Israel Film Festival, "Sabena Hijacking: My Story" and episodes from the controversial, Palestinian-depicting, Israeli TV series "Fouda" speak before their screenings the Israel Film Festival Hollywood/Beverly Hills, California.

Nati Dinnar, producer "Sabena Hijacking: My Story" tells the story of the 1972 Sabena Airline hijacked en route to Tel Aviv.

Grandson of the real-life pilot depicted in docu-drama, "Sabena Hijacking: My Story" reveals how the event depicted affected their lives. Yaron Lipschitz had not yet seen the movie when he had spoken to our camera. 

Candid interview with "Fouda" Israeli action star,  Lior Raz

"Fouda" actor/co-producer, Lior Raz answers Israel Film Fest audience questions post-screening in Beverly Hills


Pro-Palestinian / anti-Israel media-bias draws first protest against Los Angeles Times

"Protesters rally against media coverage of Israel"  by Ryan Torok in the Jewish Journal 11/3

Adam Kratt protests L.A. Times anti-Israel bias
The offices of the Los Angeles Times were closed to the public on Sunday Nov. 1, but that did not stop a group of about 40 demonstrators — many of them Jewish high-school students — from expressing their outrage at how the newspaper has been covering the recent wave of violence in Israel.

Demonstration against L.A. Times' anti-Israel, philo-Islamism editorial distortion
Los Angeles Jews and Christians protest at the L.A. Times' offices against their anti-Israel, philo-Islamism editorial bias.

“I’m really upset about what the media has been saying — not just the L.A. Times, but many media outlets,” Danielle Younai, a junior at de Toledo High School in West Hills, told the Journal at the Sunday rally.
The 16-year-old, who carried a sign featuring a blown-up version of the Oct. 10 Times article headlined “Four Palestinian teens are killed in Israeli violence,” denounced how the media have portrayed “Palestinians as victims, when they are the ones stabbing.” 
Protester caricatures L.A. Times reportage slanted to absolve Islamist Palestinian terrorism and condemn Israel
For several weeks, deadly incidents have taken place in Israel almost daily, many of them involving knife attacks by Palestinians on Jews. Israeli authorities have responded with lethal force in many cases.
Reacting to what he sees as unbalanced media coverage of the aforementioned events, Milken Community Schools senior Joseph Levy organized this past weekend’s demonstration outside the L.A. newspaper’s downtown office at the intersection of First and Spring Streets.