Steve Forbes addresses FreedomFest dinner in Las Vegas
(Photo: Scott Jenkins)
Mr. Forbes is the editor-in-chief of Forbes Magazine and a co-ambassador of the FreedomFest Convention in Las Vegas. In both 1996 and 2000, Steve campaigned vigorously for the Republican nomination for the Presidency. Key to his platform were a flat tax, medical savings accounts, a new Social Security system for working Americans, parental choice of schools for their children, term limits and a strong national defense.
Presidential candidate, Donald Trump delivered a well-received address to a packed-house at the FreedomFest convention in Las Vegas on July 11, 2015.
In this press conference which followed his speech, Donald Trump addresses the need for America to negotiate better trade agreements with China than President Obama has.
Donald Trump fields questions from the packed audience including issues of illegal immigration and US Syria policy.
(All video is DemoCast.TV original, filmed by Scott Jenkins).
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