Just how accurate is President Obama’s claim that there was “not even a smidgen of corruption” in the IRS targeting scandal ? The chart’s most startling figure shows how of the 298 groups whose applications for tax exempt status were delayed, a whopping 83% were right-leaning organizations.
The other revelations – conservative groups having to answer more than 3 times as many questions as liberal groups and being approved for non-profit status 45% of the time versus 70% of the time for liberal groups – buoy the position that the IRS did in fact target conservative groups.
(Graphic courtesy Reason.com )
The IRS' stalling of the applications has cost some groups thousands in donations and grants, while other groups have not been able to survive. A communications director for a Texas-based conservative group told The Christian Post earlier that the IRS's stalling cost his group $80,000 in donations and grants. (Juan Leon in IJReview)
See Will 'Lost' IRS Emails Reveal a Corrupt White House? IBD Editorial
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