Pro-Palestine / anti-Israel rally at Israeli Consulate to L.A. reveals a bonfire of dogmas- original, DemoCast documentary coverage

Outside of the Israeli Consulate in L.A on Thurs 15 Nov, Islamist & far-leftist anti-Zionist groups (led by American Muslims for Palestine) staged a vitriolic protest to Israel's attempt to stop incessant Palestinian terrorist rocketing. The protest (which drew reporters from all local TV stations) drew not one  organized, funded pro-Zionst group to counter-rally in Israel's defense.

Rabbi Moshe Parry, leading fewer than half-a-dozen individual Jews in the absence of organized pro-Zionist organizations, stepped-up to challenge the protestors and provide a Zionist perspective to the media.

But the Muslim protestors we interviewed reveal an agenda which goes far beyond just ending the missile defense or a state in Gaza and the West Bank - their goal to conquer the State of Israel. Rabbi Parry states that Jews will never be safe alongside an irredentist movement following a conflicting religious dogma to conquer the state from the Jewish guardianship entrusted to the Jews in the Holy Bible.

The Pro-Israel groups who were absent on Thursday plan to rally support outside the same Consulate on Sunday, 18 November at 1pm. The address is 11000 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles.

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