Media hid anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, philo-Islamic political nature of Norway shooter's target

Atlas Shrugs explores the Utoya Labor Youth League activities which so angered Breivik

Oslo Summer Camp? No, Antisemitic Indoctrination Training Center!

... The more that is revealed about that youth indoctrination center, the more grotesque the whole story becomes... The jihad-loving media never told us what antisemitic war games they were playing on that island. Utoya Island is a Communist/Socialist campground, and they clearly had a pro-Islamic agenda.

Only the malevolent media could use the euphemism summer camp and get away with it.  The slaughter was horrific. What these kids were being taught and instructed to do was a different kind of grotesque. There is no justification for Breivik's actions whatsoever. There is also no justification for Norway's antisemitism and demonization of Israel.

Labour Youth League summer camp at Utøya got the Labour Party’s young hopefuls a visit by Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store.

The Palestinians “must have their own state, the occupation must end, the wall must be demolished and it must happen now,” said the Norwegian Foreign Minister to cheers from the audience.

The main activity at the Utoya Island Meeting were mock “Break the Israel blockade” games.

One event was Palestinian aide boats would try to break the Israel blockage.

The sign says “defeat the blockade” (opphev blokkaden – Gaza)

Utoya camp was not Islamist but it WAS something not much more wholesome (by our standards, at any rate).

It was a summer indoctrination camp run by Norway’s ruling Labor Party for up-and-coming children of the ruling elite.

Glen Beck was not far off when he compared it to the Hitlerjugend or Young Pioneers.

It’s so the junior members of the aristocracy can be properly told what to think and can network with each other in preparation for their brilliant careers ruling over the peasants.

I saw at least one article that had photos of previous summers with the little dearies and their handlers assembling Israel-bashing displays.


Amb. John Bolton reveals 3 primary threats to Israel, and the Western leadership necessary to overcome them

'Israel is the fulcrum of the balance of our world'- Glenn Beck

More than 5,000 Attend CUFI’s Sixth Annual Washington Summit
America’s largest pro-Israel organization approaches three-quarters of a million members

Glenn Beck addressed a live audience of Christians United for Israel in Washington, D.C., July 19, 2011.
Christians United for Israel (CUFI), the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, held its sixth annual Washington Summit last week. With over 5,000 individuals in attendance, the three day event was the group’s largest in its six year history. The Summit included a series of educational sessions, speeches from prominent pro-Israel national and international figures, and a live satellite address from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The Summit’s Night to Honor Israel featured remarks from Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren, CUFI Founder and chairman Pastor John Hagee and a keynote address from national radio and television personality Glenn Beck.
Beck gave an impassioned and stirring speech expressing steadfast support for Israel. “Each of us will be judged as a people and a nation by how we treat Israel,” he said.
And to the world’s anti-Semites Beck’s message was unequivocal, “If a despised regime has the right to kill Jews and frighten those who stand with them, I declare, count me a Jew and come for me first!  When we all stand together, when we all raise our hands, we change the world. They cannot kill all of us. Let us declare: I am a Jew.”
Following two days of pro-Israel education and advocacy-training, CUFI delegates went to Capitol Hill and held hundreds of meetings with their elected representatives in Washington, including with the Congressional leadership offices on both sides of the aisle in both houses.  The CUFI delegates asked their elected officials to oppose the unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state at the United Nations, and to support security aid to Israel and tougher sanctions against Iran. 
“It is imperative that the Christian community let their representatives in Washington know that our support for Israel is unwavering. Both Democrats and Republicans must be aware that we are absolutely committed to keeping the U.S.-Israel relationship strong, and ensuring that Israel has the resources, diplomatic support and borders necessary for its defense,” Hagee said.
During the conference the group also announced that it now has more than 725,000 members. In his remarks, Beck announced that he too would be joining the Christian Zionist group.
“Our growth has been exceptional and it continues unabated,” said David Brog, CUFI’s executive director. “The halls of the Congressional office buildings were crowded with CUFI activists waiting to meet with their elected leaders. I am extremely pleased both with the reception we received and the impact we are clearly having on the U.S. – Israel relationship.”
Christians United for Israel is the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States and one of the leading Christian grassroots movements in the world. CUFI spans all fifty states and reaches millions with its message. Each year CUFI holds hundreds of pro-Israel events in cities around the country. And each July, thousands of pro-Israel Christians gather in Washington, D.C. to participate in the CUFI Washington Summit and make their voices heard in support of Israel and the Jewish people.
CUFI’s mission is to provide a national association through which every pro-Israel church, parachurch organization, ministry or individual in America can speak and act with one voice in support of Israel.


On the 6th-anniversary of Islamist terrorists wounding or killing over 750 innocent people in London, Islamic cultural terrorism eclipses mass-terrorism, says Pat Condell in videos

British cultural analyst, Pat Condell, speaks out against liberal journalists who advocate a liberal agenda for society, then hypocritically avoid illiberal issues to criticize such as Islamism (political Islam), choosing instead to criticize America for physically defending the rights of individuals threatened by Islamism, such as in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Somalia.

On this 6th anniversary of Islamic terrorists' bombings in London, which wounded 700 innocent people and killed 56 people (including the bombers), Condell takes on the essence of Islamic cultural terrorism - to dominate society through intimidation and violence- aided and abetted by multi-cultural, leftists.

London Transport's 7/7/05 bombings, 6th-anniversary lessons

A homemade video memorial about London's homegrown Islamic terrorist bombings of 6-years ago today, July 7, 2005, by Carlisle Defence Angel, a member of the English Defence League.


"Obama Undermining Moderate Muslims"- writes Khaled abu Toameh

by Khaled abu Toameh in Hudson - New York

The United States administration's recent decision to establish contacts with Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood organization is a severe blow to moderate, secular Muslims who are trying to achieve democracy and prosperity in their countries.

The U.S. announcement will only undermine the so-called "Facebook Uprising" that has been sweeping the Arab and Muslim world in the past few months.

This is an uprising spearheaded by secular Muslims who have, until now, succeeded in marginalizing Islamic fundamentalist groups like the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Muslim Brotherhood did not play any role in toppling the regimes in Tunisia and Egypt. Nor does the organization seem to have any significant role in the anti-government uprisings in Yemen, Syria and Libya.

But the Obama administration's decision to engage the Muslim Brotherhood will pump life into the organization and bolster its supporters in the rest of the Arab and Muslim countries.

Moreover, the decision sends a message to radical Muslims that they are marching in the right direction and it is only a matter of time before the rest of the world, including the Leader of the Free World, recognizes them as legitimate players.

Those who want to conduct dialogue with the Muslim Brotherhood are also endorsing the organization's political and religious allies, including Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hizbullah.

These organizations seek to impose strict Islamic teachings and laws on all Muslims and Arabs. Their common goal is to take the Arabs and Muslims several centuries back.