What Palestinian behavior has revealed to Israelis - and what the West might learn from it. Jerusalem Post diplomatic columnist in exclusive 2010 DemoCast video interview

Palestinian responses to Israeli acts of peace and negotiation (e.g. withdrawal from Gaza, direct peace negotiations) expose true Islamist crusade to conquer lands to be placed under Islam - which Obama strives to whitewash from Western understanding.

Herb Keinon, columnist and formerly diplomatic correspondent for the Jerusalem Post, has been at the eye of the Arab-Israeli hurricane for the past 20-years.

In this exclusive interview with DemoCast, Mr. Keinon sheds light on the revelations that peace-seeking Israelis have gleaned from Palestinian immoderation in response to Israeli concessions.

Mr. Keinon has spent years reporting with Israeli prime ministers and foreign ministers. As such, Mr. Keinon has up-close knowledge and an intimate perspective of the current confrontation and the various diplomatic attempts at solving it.

Mr. Keinon feels that the one-time Oslo Accord-embracing Israelis, who sacrificed Jewish Gaza for evidence of Palestinian intentions towards peace, have been "mugged by the reality" of emboldened Muslim aggression towards conquering all of Israel- that ceding a Palestinian state will not necessarily result in safety for Israelis.

Most Israelis know personally a victim of terror from years of terrorist attacks (from Muslims inside and outside of Israel). Being confronted by emboldened Palestinian irredentist (i.e. movement to reconquer Israel for Islamic rule) incitement has shaped the collective consciousnesses of the Israeli people. Keinon, who lives in Ma'ale Adumim (the 3rd largest city on the West Bank) believes Israelis now recognize all too well the very real dangers posed by Obama shepherding Israel to cede territory to the Palestinian front for global Islamists, such as Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Many Israelis have evolved to recognize that they are just the preliminary targets of the Jihadist politico-cultural crusade to dominate all of the West under Islam. Will the rest of the West be willing to learn from their example and adapt to confront and defeat the Islamist 'evolutionary' crusade?

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