What price the Jewish/Israel/neoncon warmonger conspiracy now?

Melanie Phillips interprets Wikileaks' document revelation in her column on The Spectator: "Bang goes that conspiracy theory"

So now the world has been made aware, thanks to Wikileaks, what anyone with their ear to the ground has known for yonks -- that Saudi Arabia and other Arab states have been desperately pressing the US to bomb Iran.  The Guardian reports:
The Saudi king was recorded as having ‘frequently exhorted the US to attack Iran to put an end to its nuclear weapons programme’, one cable stated. ‘He told you [Americans] to cut off the head of the snake,' the Saudi ambassador to Washington, Adel al-Jubeir said, according to a report on Abdullah's meeting with the US general David Petraeus in April 2008.
... Leaders in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt referred to Iran as ‘evil', an ‘existential threat’ and a power that ‘is going to take us to war’... In a conversation with a US diplomat, King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa of Bahrain ‘argued forcefully for taking action to terminate their [Iran's] nuclear programme, by whatever means necessary. That programme must be stopped. The danger of letting it go on is greater than the danger of stopping it.’ Zeid Rifai, then president of the Jordanian senate, told a senior US official: ‘Bomb Iran, or live with an Iranian bomb. Sanctions, carrots, incentives won't matter.’

In talks with US officials, Abu Dhabi crown prince Sheikh Mohammad bin Zayed favoured action against Iran, sooner rather than later. ‘I believe this guy is going to take us to war ... It's a matter of time. Personally, I cannot risk it with a guy like [President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad. He is young and aggressive.’
What price the Jewish/Israel/neoncon warmonger conspiracy now??

Also CiF Watch augments it with: "The only silver lining in the wikileak scandal: The Guardianistas were proven wrong about Arab fears of Iran"

I hate to say we told you so (ok, I actually don’t mind so much), but for those at the Guardian and elsewhere, who, for years, have claimed that the only ones pushing the U.S. to attack Iran were (pick from four) Israel, Jews, neocons, or the Israel lobby, you were wrong.  To those who advanced argument after argument, with something approaching religious intensity, that the Arab world’s number one concern is the Palestinian issue, you were wrong


Melanie Phillips explains how Western liberalism accepts global Jihad because both perceive Israel and Jews as obstacles to their respective 'utopias'

How "rational" progressive ideologues irrationally ostracize (socially and professionally) reasonable arguers.

Melanie Philips exposes myths of progressive psychology in book, "The World Turned Upside-Down" speech in Los Angeles.

The David Horowitz Freedom Center and the Wednesday Morning Club presented Melanie Phillips elucidating the dogmatic, liberal-adopted, Muslim myths against Westernism, the hierarchy of nations, and Zionism (emanating particularly within Britain) from her new book, "The World Turned Upside Down". She describes how liberal ideologues have become inimical to reason and suppress debate.  She assesses how "progressives" morph contrarians into "enemies to humanity."

In two-segments - a speech and question-and-answer videos from November 15, 2010.

Video of Ms. Phillips' audience' question and answer session:


Benjamin Netanyahu's address at the General Assembly in New Orleans

Israel's outgoing Gov't Press Officer, Danny Seaman, reveals complexities of serving a biased, foreign press

Israel's Government Press Office is part of the Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs Ministry and is responsible for being in contact and dealing with foreign journalists in the country, issuing official press cards to journalists and media employees in Israel, coordinating media coverage for state events and official visits by foreign leaders.

JPost editor-in-chief David Horovitz interviews Israel's outgoing Gov't Press Office director, Danny Seaman (who has has held the post since 2000) in the Jerusalem Post:
Is the departing Seaman a heroic advocate for Israel who is being shamefully and counter-productively treated by his foolish, short-sighted, lily-livered bosses? Or should someone so candid and opinionated never have been entrusted with the ultra-delicate task of liaising with the international media? 

Danny Seaman: This goes back to the whole issue of Israel’s hasbara failures since the Oslo Accords. We pulled the rug out from under our arguments. The moment in the Oslo process when we didn’t completely stand up for our narrative, we gave legitimacy to the Palestinian claims. [We gave up on] our positions, our claims, our rights!

David Horovitz: As regards the Old City, east Jerusalem...?

Seaman: Every place! My grandfather came here from Afghanistan, not because of Tel Aviv and not because of Haifa, but because of our ancestral right to the Land of Israel. And without our right to the Land of Israel we have no right to the State of Israel; we are no more than the colonialist occupiers which they claim we are. For many years, we used this claim of our right to Eretz Yisrael, not as a political statement, but as a case of genuine historical reasoning. You can’t say that it’s a right-wing argument. It has nothing to do with my positions or my being a right-winger. It’s a fact."
This revealing interview is worth reading in its entirety.

 DemoCast filmed this talk by Danny Seaman about the complexities of democratic Israel having to administer a biased, damaging foreign press - at the Jerusalem Conference following the Operation Castlead into Gaza in January, 2009.

Mr. Seaman will be succeeded by Netanyahu consultant Oren Helman. Mr. Helman has a master's degree in public administration and has served - inter alia - as Israel Broadcast Authority Spokesman and an adviser to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when he served as Finance Minister.

On a related note, Tovah Lazaroff writes in the Jerusalem Post:

Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu responds to int'l (Pres. Obama in Indonesia's) criticism about Israeli plans to advance 1,345 homes in Jewish areas of east J'lem by saying gov't never agreed to place any restrictions on construction in capital, which has 800,000 residents.

"Jerusalem is not a settlement, it is the capitol of Israel," the office of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday in a sharp retort to international criticism about plans for 1,345 homes in Jewish neighborhoods of east Jerusalem.


Calif Atty Gen candidate, Steve Cooley's 10-point lead vanishes in provisional vote counting to the 'Female Obama,' San Fran D.A. Kamala Harris


L.A. City Attorney, Carmen Trutanich, introduces Atty Gen candidate Steve Cooley, who while ahead in the counting at 11pm on Election Night, declares victory in front of on-air TV news cameras. As the votes were tabulated overnight, Cooley's wide 10% point lead over Democrat opponent, S.F. District Attorney Kamala Harris, dwindled. By the morning, votes for Ms. Harris actually exceeded Mr. Cooley's by 38,000 votes. As of 9am publishing time, Ms. Harris leads, but the race is still too close to call.
If her victory holds, Harris would become the first African American and first woman ever to hold the job of California attorney general. Cooley ran on a strong law-and-order message, while Harris emphasized environmental protection in her campaign. Harris proved to be a prodigious fundraiser, and received campaign help from President Obama in the closing weeks of the campaign. - Anthony York in L.A. Times Blogs
Some political analysts had all but written her off. Harris had failed to secure endorsements from most state criminal justice organizations, they noted. And, as an attractive woman with liberal roots in the Bay Area, the daughter of a Tamil Indian mother and a Jamaican American father, she just didn’t fit the profile of the state’s “top cop.”

"Cooley looks like an Attorney General, and she doesn’t," says California political expert Barbara O’Connor, a Cal State Sacramento professor of communications.

Still, Harris’ campaign successfully launched her onto the national stage as a rising Democratic star.. Should Harris go on to beat Cooley, she will be the first woman, the first African American, South Asian American Attorney General of California.
- The Nail-Biter Race in California
by Gina Piccalo in The Daily Beast


Black activist: The Democrat party's black and latino politicians fail constituents; Vote on issues, not party or pigmentation; L.A.'ers should elect Nahum Shifren to State Senate

Veteran U.S. Army Officer James Spence (a civic-activist in conservative black group, "America's Black Shield") discusses why he urges minorities to join with whites to elect white, urban-educator, Rabbi Nahum Shifren, to better serve voters in L.A.'s 26th Senate District than incumbent liberal black, Curren Price.

Mr. Spence calls to overcome the pigmentation politics mentality which keeps minorities from electing better public-servant candidates.


Allen West wants South Floridians to help him rescue America from leftist Obama Administration tolerance of Jihadism and encroaching shariah

Lt. Col. Allen West, congressional candidate from South Florida, expresses his understanding of global jihad and Pres. Obama's pacifist foreign policies towards America's jihadist enemies. A military hero against Islamist militantism, he tells reporter, Tommy Chandler, his preparedness to defend America on the battlefields and domestically, from tolerance of subversive Jihadism. Filmed by DemoCast in Washington, D.C., March 2009 at the Conservative Political Action Conference.

Tom Tancredo, candidate for Colorado governor, strong on democracy, harsh on jihad, multi-cultural relativism against America

Tom Tancredo, candidate for Colorado Governor, vies to defend America's captialistic democracy from theocratic Islamism, socialism, and fascism. DemoCast exclusive recorded while Rep. Tancredo was still in office, at the Conservative Political Action Conference, C.P.A.C., in March 2009 in Washington, D.C.