Obama's meeting Monday evening at the White House with Benjamin Netanyahu was closed to reporters, even omitting the standard photo opportunity and hand shake.
The White House statement following the meeting was unusually terse: "The President and Prime Minister Netanyahu discussed a number of issues in the U.S.-Israel bilateral relationship. The President reaffirmed our strong commitment to Israel's security, and discussed security cooperation on a range of issues. The President and Prime Minister also discussed Iran and how to move forward on Middle East peace." (JTA News)

Ed Lasky published in the American Thinker: The New Iran Man at the State Department's Iran Desk
The key goal of the NIAC, as made clear in their master plan, is to place its supporters into key positions of power in Washington.
Their efforts have reached fruition: the National Iranian American Council now has one of their own as the Iran man (literally and metaphorically) at the State Department. The caviar is flowing in Tehran.
Read analysis available from Atlas Shrugs in "The Fix is In: Obama fires Dennis Ross and replaces him with an Iranian-regime lobbyist - John Limbert."
"This is it. As the evidence grew about Iran building bombs and warheads, Obama's team must have shown divisions.(Hat-tip to My Right Word)
Thus he removes the eyes who saw, Ross, (who is a Clintonian) and replaces him with an Iran regime lobbyist.
The Iran lobby, the NIAC, is a regime presence within the USA. Led by a famous Brzezinski-endorsed Iranian antisemite who blames Israel for Iran-US tensions and denies Ahmadinejad said "wipe off the map".
Basically Obama has handed over the Iran negotiations to an Iranian regime agency. This is grotesque and shows Obama's determination to avoid confronting Iran at all costs (the only thing actually capable of saving his lame duck presidency). He is willing to sacrifice his own future for the advancement of Iranian interests and the reduction of supposed Israeli/Jewish influence. The dogma he tends to believe having Powers and Brzezinski around him and him favoring their views over the more sensible Hilary/Ross camp.
This is time for Hilary and Holbrooke to stand up and resign from this treasonous line up. Even Carter had plans to invade Iran in 1981. Despite people like Vance opposing it. Vance resigned because Carter choose the military option to rescue the hostages."
Why is Israel’s Shimon Peres in Brazil and Argentina? Iran.
For the first time in 40 years, an Israeli president is paying a state visit to Brazil. Israel President Shimon Peres began a week-long visit to Brazil and Argentina today. A key reason: Iran's growing influence in Latin America. (The Christian Science Monitor)
Whose backyard is Latin America now?
That’s the question that a flurry of leaders seem to be trying to answer on a series of visits to the region this month. Israeli President Shimon Peres began his week-long jaunt to Brazil and Argentina today with the stated purpose to “discuss the Iranian infiltration of the continent, opportunities to strengthen political and strategic ties between the countries, and how to increase economic cooperation.”
He’s right on time. The first state visit by an Israeli president to Brazil in 40 years and to Argentina in 20 comes just weeks before an expected trip by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the end of this month. Brazilian officials also say Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas may visit them this month. Since Ahmadenijad was elected in 2005, Iran has opened new embassies in Colombia, Nicaragua, Chile, Uruguay, Ecuador, and Boliva – and added ones to Cuba, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, and Venezuela, according to the Washington Post.