In at least six cases, the victims required hospital treatment. And in the one case classed as involving extreme violence, defined as the victims life was endangered, an elderly rabbi in the north east of England was walking along a pavement when a car driver mounted the pavement at speed, knocked him over, then reversed and tried to run him over again. The rabbi required hospital treatment for injuries to his head, arms and legs. The driver of the car has so far not been identified.
The Telegraph newspaper details here that Muslim claims of rampant Islamophobia in Britain are exaggerated. Jewish people are four times more likely to be attacked because of their religion than Muslims, according to figures released by police.
Full Breakdown of anti-Semitic incidents in 2007:
114 Physical Assaults; 62 Damage & Desecrations of Jewish Property; 24 Violent Threats; 19 incidents of mass-produced, anti-Semitic literature; 328 incidents reported of Abusive Behaviour.
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